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Mindful ACT for Kids consist of 95 pages of Mindfulness and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) worksheets for children. This resource is designed for neurodivergent children, children with autism (ASD) or ADHD. 

Please note that both of my products: Mindful Super ACT for Kids and Mindful ACT for Kids and very similar and mainly only design is different.

This Acceptance and Commitment toolbox consist of:

ACT worksheets including present moment worksheets, thought defusion worksheets, my values, my mindflex poster (in ACT known as hexaflex), 3-Mindflex worksheet (in ACT known as ACT Triflex), My choices worksheet (ACT choice point), ACT defusion strategies, ACT Mindful eye (in ACT known as Bulls eye), ACT drop the anchor poster, two ACT metaphors worksheets - The passengers on the bus and the leaves on a stream. 

There are the following printable flashcards - 12 positive affirmation cards, 12 yoga cards, 12 mindfulness quotes cards.

4 ACT mindfulness activities - playdough, slime, lava lamp, glitter jar and 4 playdough mats with blank faces to create different emotions with playdough.

9 colouring animal mandala pages 

4 breathing boards posters

This resource also contains anger management, anxiety and fear management and committed action worksheets. 

This resources is subject to copyright and is designed for personal use only or for use with your client. Do not resell. 

As this is a digital product there are no refunds. If you have any difficulties with this product please contact ABC Start. 

Mindful ACT for Kids


    (c) 2024, ABC Start

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