Behaviour Therapies and Autism Consultancy for Children
NDBI principles - Naturalistic Developmental Behavioural Intervention Principles | Mindfulness-Based ACT - Acceptance and Commitment Training | ABA/VB Therapy | Autism Early Interventions | Remote Sleep Consultations | Positive Behaviour Support (pbs) Consultancy for Neurodivergent Children

Judita Oyaluade, BCBA, UKBA (cert), ASDCS
Board Certified Behaviour Analyst
Autism Spectrum Disorder Clinical Specialist (ASDCS)
Master Degree in Education

Other Certifications:
OCN Level 5 Sleep Practitioner
Brick-by-Brick® Certified Advanced Facilitator
Certified AutPlay® Therapy Provider

Judita is a mum to three children and a Board Certified Behaviour Analyst (BCBA), UKBA (cert.), Autism Spectrum Disorder Clinical Specialist (ASDCS), Level 5 Certified Sleep Practitioner, AutPlay® Therapy Provider and a Brick-by-Brick® Certified Advanced Facilitator.
Judita has over 16 years of experience in working in the field of health and social care and education. Judita has also previous experience in working as a distance learning tutor for variety of health and social care courses and since 2018 Judita has been working privately with families of neurodivergent children providing direct SEN Tutoring, consultations based on the use of positive behaviour support (pbs) framework and naturalistic developmental behavioural interventions (NDBI's). Apart from working in her private practice, Judita also works (part-time) for a large UK company as a PBS Practitioner (positive behaviour support) where she provides PBS services to adults with complex needs.
While working with neurodivergent children, Judita observed that many children experience sleep difficulties and therefore, completed several sleep qualifications and further trainings, such as in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Insomnia, OCN accredited Level 5 Sleep Practitioner training, OCN Level 3 Sleep Training, Sleep and Mental Health, Dream Analysis and Therapy Diploma course. Judita has also completed a certified training in BITES® - The Behavioural InTEgrated with Speech Approach to Feeding Therapy.
Judita has completed several trainings, such as in Early Start Denver Model (ESDM), Social Communication/Emotional Regulation/Transactional Support (SCERTS). Judita is a Registered Yoga Teacher and a Certified Yoga Teacher for Kids, certified in mindfulness for kids with a strong interest in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).
Judita is trained in Makaton and PECS - picture exchange communication system.